This temporary 482 visa lets an employer sponsor a suitably skilled worker to fill a position they can’t find a suitably skilled Australian to fill. This visa enables employers to address labour shortages by bringing in skilled workers where employers can’t source an appropriately skilled Australian worker.

Who Is Eligible For The 482 Visa?

The applicant must:

  • be nominated for a skilled position by an approved sponsor
  • have the right skills to do the job
  • meet the relevant English language requirements

The TSS visa has a short-term stream and a medium-term stream.  Applicants with occupations on the Short-Term Skilled Occupations List (STSOL) are eligible for visas of up to two years (renewable once, for a further two years), whilst those on the Medium and Long-Term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL) can apply for up to four years, with eligibility for permanent residency after three years.

What Are The Other Requirements Of The 482 Visa?

Stream 1: Short-term Stream

The applicant must:

  • be nominated to work in an occupation on the list of eligible short-term skilled occupations
  • have at least 2 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation or a related field
  • have a relevant skills assessment if this is required for your occupation
  • work only for your sponsor or associated entity, unless you are exempt
  • meet minimum standards of English language proficiency unless you are exempt from needing to show this

Stream 2: Medium-term Stream

The applicant must:

  • be nominated to work in an occupation on the list of eligible medium and long-term skilled occupations
  • have at least 2 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation or a related field
  • have a relevant skills assessment if this is required for your occupation
  • work only for your sponsor or associated entity, unless you are exempt
  • meet minimum standards of English language proficiency unless you are exempt from needing to show this.

Stream 3: Labour Agreement Stream

The applicant must:

  • be nominated to work in a specified occupation under the terms of a Labour Agreement
  • have at least 2 years relevant work experience in your nominated occupation or a related field
  • have a relevant skills assessment if this is required for your occupation
  • work only for your sponsor
  • meet minimum standards of English language proficiency unless you are exempt from needing to show this.

What Are The Benefits?

This visa allows the applicant and their family to:

  • work in Australia
  • study (no government assistance)
  • travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while the visa is valid
  • if eligible, apply for a permanent residency

Visa Charges

Please refer to the immigration official website for visa application charges.

Enquire About The 482 Visa:
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