Each year on Australian Citizenship Day (17 September) we recognise the importance of Australian citizenship. It is a day to welcome new citizens to our community at ceremonies across the country.

70 years ago Australian citizenship officially became law. More than 5 million people have become Australians at citizenship ceremonies in those 70 years.

This Australian Citizenship Day, more than 8,000 people are expected to become Australian citizens. 

This year the Department will confer the largest number of citizens for Australian Citizenship Day celebrations due to Government efforts to reduce the citizenship application processing times. 

Australia is a thriving multicultural country. Whether we are Australians by birth or by choice, our Australian citizenship is our shared identity. It is a common bond that unites us all.

Visit Australian Citizenship Day page to hear prominent Australians welcoming new citizens and to find out more about Australian citizenship.

*This information is from the Department of Immigration website.

Arc Migration are extremely skilled, reliable and fastidious migration agents, as well as a warm and compassionate group of people. Ehsan, Fides and the whole team have been there for…
Rachel Elliot-Jones